Athlos Academies Blog

Athlos students spread message of support

Herriman elementary students make inspiring signs as community mourns teens who died by suicide

Elementary school students are proving it doesn’t matter what age you are to make a difference. Student leaders at Athlos Academy are concerned about the issue of teen suicide in their community.

Performance Character at Home: Optimism

Reinforcing Performance Character at Home: Optimism

At Athlos schools, we focus on teaching children the importance of 12 traits that we call Performance Character traits. Our Performance Character pillar recognizes the deep connection between these traits and success. Here, we look at optimism.

The Bonners with their children with special needs

Meeting Special Needs Through Social Intelligence

At Athlos schools, we strive to be responsive to students with special needs. Each child comes with unique requirements for learning, and we prioritize their needs through social intelligence, a performance character trait Athlos defines as navigating relationships and interactions with respect and confidence.