Entries by Tabitha Bower

Ramona Endres, Educator at Athlos Leadership Academy, Awarded 2016 Distinguished Educator in Prepared Mind

In June, three educators from Athlos schools throughout the United States were chosen as recipients of the Athlos Distinguished Educator Award. Each of the three were chosen based on their excellence in exemplifying one of the Athlos Pillars of Performance: Prepared Mind, Healthy Body, and Performance Character.

No Place for Hate: Athlos School Combats Bullying

At Athlos Leadership Academy-Austin, students and teachers decorated their doors as a part of the national “No Place For Hate” anti-bullying campaign. According to the No Place for Hate website, “No Place for Hate in schools seeks to provide a model for combating intolerance, bullying and hatred, leading to long-term solutions to these problems in schools. It provides a […]

Employee Spotlight: Chandler Herdt, Director of Healthy Body

One of Athlos Academies’ first employees, Director of Healthy Body Chandler Herdt will celebrate his fifth work anniversary with Athos in July. Herdt has worked extensively with the Healthy Body pillar since the program piloted in 2011, adding his own expertise and passion for health education into the innovative Athlos three-pillar approach to education.

Undaunted Courage: A Debate of Traits

After reading Stephen Ambrose’s compelling biography “Undaunted Courage; Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West” the Athlos team spent time together considering the Performance Character traits exemplified within it. This epic journey that many would consider the pinnacle of American exploration is a true testament to traits such as courage, grit, optimism, and initiative.