Athlos Academies Blog

Coach Krista McCormick Honored as 2016 Athlos Distinguished Educator in Performance Character

In June, three educators from Athlos schools throughout the United States were chosen as recipients of the Athlos Distinguished Educator Award. Each of the three were chosen based on their excellence in exemplifying one of the Athlos Pillars of Performance: Prepared Mind, Healthy Body, and Performance Character.

Students Exemplify Athlos Performance Character Traits

Twelve high school students at Athlos Leadership Academy in Brownsville, TX were honored at an end of the school year character award ceremony because they exemplify Performance Character traits. Each award recipient was chosen based on their excellence in one of the 12 Performance Character traits that are incorporated into the Athlos curriculum.

Local school exhibits talent

Local school exhibits talent

As the school calendar comes to an end for some students, the start for award ceremonies and presentations follows.

Many gathered at Athlos Leadership Academy in Brownsville for a special student exhibition.

GT coordinator Alexis Fruia says, “Today here we have our GT exhibition from first to tenth grade. Here exhibiting their GT Projects.”