Coach Krista McCormick Honored as 2016 Athlos Distinguished Educator in Performance Character
In June, three educators from Athlos schools throughout the United States were chosen as recipients of the Athlos Distinguished Educator Award. Each of the three were chosen based on their excellence in exemplifying one of the Athlos Pillars of Performance: Prepared Mind, Healthy Body, and Performance Character.
Students Exemplify Athlos Performance Character Traits
Twelve high school students at Athlos Leadership Academy in Brownsville, TX were honored at an end of the school year character award ceremony because they exemplify Performance Character traits. Each award recipient was chosen based on their excellence in one of the 12 Performance Character traits that are incorporated into the Athlos curriculum.
Educators of Excellence: Coaching Duo Raise the Bar
If you could find two coaches who eat, breathe, and sleep the Athlos Healthy Body pillar, it would be Austin and Christina Ledesma. Both athletic performance coaches at International Leadership Texas (ILT) campus in Keller, this married duo embodies all that Athlos represents.
Character Huddles Make a Difference
As an Athletic Coordinator for Athlos Leadership Academy I have the pleasure of working with the Performance Coaches who administer the Athlos Athletic Curriculum on a daily basis, and I have seen first-hand how the Healthy Body pillar has made a difference in our school.
Social Intelligence- A Crucial Skill for Success in Life
For most parents, teaching their children the "social graces" is an old school norm, a part of everyday parenting. "Social graces" is an old fashioned word. It was eventually replaced with the term "people skills" which has since been reinvented as social intelligence.
The Value of Performance Character
In the last five years, there have been a significant amount of qualified studies on the value of Performance Character traits in the educational process. These studies continue to support the theory that these traits can be learned and are a major determinant of success and happiness in life.
Workplace Success and Performance Character
Reflect for a moment on your last job interview. Was most of that time spent on determining if you had the skills to accomplish the job? Or, was most of the time spent with the interviewer trying to determine if you had the integrity, social intelligence, grit, or creativity to succeed in the job?
“Students are hearing what you are not saying”
In education, a question is often asked, “What makes a great teacher?” Of course, the term “great” is subjective but we can all name that one person (or if you are lucky the several) that reached our definition of great. For many of us, while sitting in a less than stimulating classroom, what we heard from our teachers was very similar to what Charlie Brown heard!
Performance Character and Academic Achievement
The current buzz word in education is grit. Everyone is talking about grit. Angela Duckworth popularized the topic and has even provided a test to determine your grit score. How much grit do you have?