Common Core – Common Lore
The unveiling of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in 2010 has brought a level of hyperbola that has lead to common lore now intricately infused within the education debate.
Innovative Assessment
Take a moment to reflect back to your K-12 school years…. Maybe you are cringing as you see the big red C- sitting at the top of your exam… or maybe you can hear your teacher’s voice: “NO TALKING. This is a test”… or maybe you’re starting to sweat as you remember the long, multiple choice quizzes over EVERY CHAPTER OF THE BOOK.
Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
What’s your philosophy of education? We all have one . . . somewhere. On a shelf. In a binder we left boxed up when we moved classrooms last summer. On some slide in a PowerPoint we presented in 2004.