Respectful, Kind, Confident: Student Celebrated for Social Intelligence in St. Cloud

Social intelligence, one of the 12 Performance Character traits taught at Athlos schools, is defined as navigating relationships and interactions with respect and confidence. Kavonna, a second-grade student at Athlos Academy of St. Cloud, is an excellent example of all that encompasses being socially intelligent.

kavonna, student, celebrated, student of the month, respectful“Kavonna is respectful and kind in her interactions with peers and staff,” said Ms. Knuth, second-grade teacher at Athlos Academy of St. Cloud. “She always does everything that is asked of her with confidence.”

As recognition for her hard work to consistently be a leader with peers and be kind, humble, respectful, and confident, Kavonna was awarded student of the month. Each month, one student at Athlos Academy of St. Cloud is recognized for being an exemplary model of a Performance Character trait; Kavonna was recognized for her social intelligence.

“Kavonna stands out in the classroom by always setting an example of what anyone in the class should be doing,” Ms. Knuth said. “She is a respectful listener, hard worker, and stays on task.”

In Ms. Knuth’s class, Performance Character trait definitions are focused on during huddles and are referred to throughout the day. Students are encouraged to exhibit these traits and can earn rewards and recognitions when they put their Performance Character traits to use.

“The Performance Character traits are a huge foundation at Athlos,” Ms. Knuth said. “I tell my students that, yes, my job is to teach them math, reading, etc., but an equally important part of my job is to help them grow to be good people and know how to navigate relationships in the real world.”

Congratulations to Kavonna, and to all our Athlos students who are striving to bring Performance Character into their everyday lives.

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